#1 Technology & Cyber Security News, Trends and Learning for Everyone, from Kids, Novice, Beginners to Experts.

Welcome to the Digital World !!!

Gone are the days of buying a computer using money from your pocket wallet. We live in the era where money is now kept in computer / mobile that has wallet. Digital or Cyber Security it's not just for the big guys anymore. "We are committed to providing you with the niche content of IT and cyber security education, trending and latest news, blogs and "How To" hacks.

There is a saying "As you grow old, spend some time and money to give back to society" . This noble thought is the inspiration to create content informational website and take out some personal time and money to build up a knowledge center related to cyber and security world. Anyone who is willing to contribute their learnings and post their articles are welcome to join this community for cyber society well being. You may send your article as an email to cyberseekho@gmail.com

After working for more than 16 years in technology domain and 12 years in cyber security specific domains, one of the major challenge that cyber security industry faces is skill development that needs to cope up with the technology change. I have seen the beginners and freshers who are keen to learn cyber security in fast track mode by jumping to learn latest technology. However, to be successful and bring out innovation in any field , it is important for anyone to understand the core basic concepts. No matter if your in management role or technical role, it is important that you are updated with the latest trends in technology but also ensure that you are well verse with the basics. For e.g. 'No matter what innovation is created, don't forget that machine will always understand only the language of 1's and 0's'

Considering the challenges in cyber security world, this website is a first step approach to provide a platform to enthusiastic learners where they can quickly search relevant cyber news, trends and knowledge that will help to understand the concepts and build their skills in early career as well as in corporate work environment to sole real world problems and take quick decisions

Whether you are a beginner who is starting career in technology (engineering or development) or an experienced professional such as CISO striving to manage the changes in technology and resource skill building, we have something for you.

So what are you waiting for? Bookmark this website in your browsers favorite today for quick visit as you get latest updates, news and trends related to cyber security to start learning!

As a next step , we plan to bring up a YouTube channel that will explain cyber security and emerging technology concepts in easy way with examples.

Some of the topics with comprehensive coverage of content is listed below, but not limited to:

  • OS, Network & Platform Security Risk management Vulnerability

  • Penetration Testing & Red Team

  • Secure SDLC Physical, Cloud & IOT security

  • IT Audit Compliance - ISO, NIST, SOC2

  • IS Awareness

  • Data Protection & Privacy Law & GDPR

  • Threat Intel.

Cyber Seekho - Gladiators

Infosec Masters

Founder & Chief Editor


Logical Tank

Tech Enthusiast
